IT Security Auditing

IT Security Auditing

We understand that IT security is crucial for the sustainability of any organization.

Ensure the sustainability of your organization through comprehensive IT security auditing services. Our ISO 27001 certified information security practitioners and certified information systems auditors (CISA) provide a range of services to identify, assess, and mitigate risks, conduct internal audits, and update policies and procedures.

Our team of ISO 27001 certified information security practitioners and certified information systems auditors (CISA) are dedicated to helping businesses enhance their security posture. We offer a comprehensive range of IT security auditing services to identify, assess, and mitigate risks, ensuring the protection of your valuable assets and sensitive information.


ISO 27001 certified information security and CISA experts

Identification and assessment of information assets

Creation of a Statement of Applicability

Development of a risk register

Review and application of risk mitigation measures

Conducting internal audits

Reach out to us today for a consultation

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IT Security Auditing | G-T Pro


What is the role of IT security auditing?
IT security auditing plays a critical role in assessing the effectiveness of security measures and ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements. It involves a systematic evaluation of information systems, policies, and procedures to identify vulnerabilities and develop strategies for risk mitigation.
How do you identify information assets during the auditing process?
Our team conducts a thorough assessment to identify and categorize your organization’s information assets. This includes analyzing data repositories, systems, applications, and any other information resources critical to your operations.
What is a Statement of Applicability?
A Statement of Applicability is a document that outlines the controls and control objectives relevant to your organization’s information security management system. It provides a clear overview of the security measures implemented and their applicability to your specific business requirements.
How do you create a risk register?
Our experts work closely with your organization to create a comprehensive risk register. This involves identifying potential threats, assessing their likelihood and impact, and prioritizing them based on the level of risk they pose to your business.
What is the process for reviewing and applying risk mitigation measures?
After identifying risks, our team develops strategies to mitigate them. We review existing security controls and propose additional measures to address identified risks. These measures can include the implementation of technical safeguards, employee training programs, and policy enhancements.
How do internal audits contribute to IT security?
Internal audits are conducted to assess the effectiveness and compliance of your organization’s security controls, policies, and procedures. These audits help identify gaps, detect potential vulnerabilities, and ensure that security measures are being properly implemented and maintained.
Why is it important to update policies and procedures regularly?
Cybersecurity threats and industry regulations are constantly evolving. Regularly updating policies and procedures ensures that your organization remains aligned with the latest best practices and regulatory requirements. It helps address emerging risks and adapt security measures to the changing threat landscape.